Whistle, Two, Ready!

Mill Ridge Park, Antioch, Tennessee, US

A musical shortcut through a park, this pathway is formed by a series of five bollards marked with inset linework, inviting passersby to uncover sounds, rhythms, and lights.

Video by Leah Tribbett

The interactive soundtrack incorporates student recordings from the neighboring Cane Ridge High School Marching Band, the Rhythmic Ravens.

Using the measurements of a marching band, lines on the ground show people where to step. Rhythm is the foundation to the experience: it helps people intuitively synchronize movements. As people walk and circle around the bollards, the music becomes richer and more complex. With increasing footfall and simultaneous exploration, compositions emerge, with musical flourishes unlocked through deeper exploration and cooperation.

Fun fact: ‘Whistle, Two, Ready!’ are the words used by the Rhythmic Ravens to cue all the musicians to start playing.

Mill Ridge Park in Antioch, Tennessee is a 600-acre property that will be home to playgrounds, exercise equipment, a circular path, trails, and interactive artwork.

Daily tous les jours collaborated with local artist Robbie Lynn Hunsinger to assist with community engagement, technical work and creative feedback.

Community engagement included sessions with the public, Friends of Mill Ridge Park, and students from Cane Ridge High School. Residents see Mill Ridge Park as the community’s backyard. Together with Daily tous les jours, they reflected on the Antioch area’s distinct identity, the co- existence of nature and urban growth, its rich history and diversity (environmental, agricultural, social, and cultural), and things that are important to residents, including walking, seating, music, connection, play, and self-expression. During an engagement session, students learned about some of the technical aspects of the artwork and how the Rhythmic Ravens music would be incorporated.

How It Works

Stepping on a line triggers a short note or phrase. Each line has a complementary sound which will layer into synced harmony and rhythm. The longer people move and play, more music layers are added. Melodies are created. With more players, more compositions grow.


  • Whistle, Two, Ready!
    • Commissioned by Metro Nashville Arts Commission
    • A project by Daily tous les jours
  • Creative Direction
    • Mouna Andraos
    • Melissa Mongiat
    • Kelsey Snook
  • Creative Team
    • Rebecca Taylor
    • Anne Ouellette
    • Steven Steffen
    • Ajmir Kandola
    • Michael Carosello
    • Magalie Rouleau
    • Flo Peters
    • Pierre Thirion
  • Sound Direction
    • Michael Baker
    • With the collaboration of Johnny Croft and the Rhythmic Ravens, and Robbie Lynn Hunsinger
  • Technical Direction
    • Mathieu Frenette
    • Eric Villeneuve
  • Assembly
    • Manuel Acevado Civantes
    • Dan Freder
    • Gregory Perrin
  • Production
    • Irène Chaudouet
    • Justine Jacob-Roy
  • Production Coordination
    • Sarah James
  • Engineering Consulting
    • KPFF
  • Fabrication
    • Scène Éthique
  • Transportation and Logistics
    • CVG Consulting
  • Videography & Photography
    • Leah Tribbett
  • Thank you
    • Kelsey Snook, Robbie Lynn Hunsinger, Johnny Croft, Mark A. Hawkins, the Rhythmics Ravens, Atilio Murga, Tre Hardin, Van Maravalli, Ian Myers and the whole team at Metro Arts, Metro Parks, Cane Ridge High School, Dowdle Construction Group, ArtUp, Jeger Ali, Roy T. Goodwin, Southeast Electric, Tobie Horswill, Silvara Stone, Karina Thibault, Laura Broadbent, Vanessa Loubineau, and the rest of the Daily team.

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