Biosphère, Montréal, CA
Kirkland, CA
An experiential space designed to provoke thought, inspire conversation, and explore new ideas for sustainable, people-centric communities. Village Lab is the fruit of Daily tous les jour’s ongoing explorations on creating places for people to thrive, and was designed to showcase Broccolini and RioCan’s commitment to future development.
Kirkland, Quebec, Canada
Featuring exhibit case studies, participatory activities, and public talks with designers, planners, builders, artists, and dreamers from across the disciplinary spectrum, Village Lab invites Kirkland visitors and citizens to consider how we can shape the character of our future communities in ways that prioritise human well-being and sustainability.
The Village Lab‘s café serves as a meeting point where visitors can enjoy a coffee, relax, while also providing a forum for casual conversation and exploration.
One of the highlights of the Village Lab is a large-scale interactive table that invites visitors to actively compare ways of life of different urban densities. This installation provides visitors with an opportunity to engage with a range of interactive scenarios. Participants can explore the many facets of sustainable transit-oriented principles.
As a suburban nation, Canada is facing numerous challenges related to urban sprawl and the loss of green space. This exhibit invites visitors to explore key notions of community design and urban planning that policy makers use to tackle these challenges. Through illustrative case studies and key data, visitors can learn about inspiring municipalities with strategies to improve the happiness and quality of life of their communities. By learning about how cities grow sustainably while preserving their identities, we can try to imagine, together, what a better future can look like for the Montreal region.
“[…] Suburbia wasn’t designed with sustainability in mind, but its aging generation of commercial strip corridors, dying shopping centers, and out-of-date office parks are providing us the opportunity for a radical do-over.”
– Ellen Dunham-Jones